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As the world is facing one of the biggest crisis in history and most of us are still in a physical lockdown, we would like to shed some light on the work and personality of one of our newest artists, Victor Aros, whose intuitive work revolves around the emotions that most of us experience in these challenging times. Emotions like sadness, doubt, anxiety and frustration, despite of being seen as negative, give meaning to our life. Through art they highlight an essential part of our existence, which otherwise would remain unseen.
Victor Aros is a young Colombian artist, whose work carries a powerful existentialism charge. In the view of the existentialism, the individual’s starting point is characterized by “the existential angst”, or a sense of disorientation, confusion or dread in the face of apparently meaningless and absurd world. As there is no set path, we have to find our own purpose and meaning in life, which can be quite scary. Especially, in the times of big, unforeseen change we become even more aware of these feelings, and the work of Victor Aros reminds us of that.
Victor started painting as a result of his own existential angst, which was due to an early death of his father, and the immediate terminal illness of his mother. Loosing both parents at a young age made his existence feel as a heavy weight, which he desperately wanted to get rid off. The artist shares: “Going through this stage, I’ve started realizing that instead of getting rid off this burden, it would rather have to be transformed. In this process I found painting which allowed me to transfer the emotional load into something tangible and then move it to the exterior”. His first painting, at the age of 15, quite symbolically was a mother giving birth, who had no arms or legs, and was screaming desperately in the midst of the chaos. The artwork, which is about 50 x 35 cm, was created using oil paint and spatula, – the technique that Victor is using a lot to this day.
His typical paintings are morbid compositions that arise from observing random human beings and listening to his own inner sensations. These’s often an object that can be identified as a head or a face with multiple eyes, noses or ears, morphing into something unsettling and dark. As the artist himself puts it: “My paintings are governed by the ‘accident’ principle. I consider it my task as a person to resolve the multiple daily life-defining accidents, and as a painter my task is to observe, question and resolve the accidents that continuously happen on a canvas. The result is a dialogue between stains, lines and figures (some of which look quite realistic and others are more abstract) that end up reflecting my perception of others to the viewer”.
Victor’s artistic career has been progressing steadily since his visual art studies in Colombia. His work has been shown in several exhibitions in Colombia, as well as foreign countries, like Japan, Italy and Spain. Looking back on his creative path, Victor Aros says: “The change for me is one of the most important moments of our life and it comes thanks to an accident. This way the time has had a lot of influence on my way of thinking, reflecting and obviously painting. The factors that evolved are not only the color palette or the tools that I use, but also the themes that I deal with. With years passing I was able to combine this internal vision with seeing things on the outside, observing a little more the flesh of others”.
Currently Victor Aros is working on a new series of paintings, where the theme is “Our flesh”. ‘Our’ refers to the collective in the absence of close physical contact, united by the uncertainty. The work has a clear link to the Covid-19 pandemic. The actual name of the series will, as the artist describes it, ‘reveal’ itself to him at some point. We will be including the latest work of Victor Aros in our next exhibitions.
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